Tradewinds is Open for Appointments!

Our Office is Open for Appointments!

The last couple of months have been a wild roller coaster ride, haven’t they? The good news is, it looks like we’re beginning the path back towards “normal.” 

First, we want to say THANK YOU for your patience as our office has been closed and our staff has been working from home.  It has been a HUGE learning experience for us all, but one fact has undeniably come to light:  We miss our customers. A LOT!  We can’t wait to be able to see you all in person again.  That being said, we are slowly and cautiously working to re-open our physical office to the public once again. 

Beginning Monday, May 4th, we have reopened on a limited basis. Some staff will be working in office, while others will continue working remotely.  In addition, clients can walk in and talk to our agents by appointment only.  Our front doors will be locked to help us continue to adhere to social distancing protocols and maintain the safety of the environment.  If you need to swing by to drop off a payment or other paperwork, you can call or text our office phone number (360)679-4949, and one of our agents will meet you in the parking lot. 

If you do schedule an appointment to meet with an agent in our office, please come in wearing a mask.  All agents can still be reached via call, text, or email as well. 

We are eager to get out there and start doing again!  We’re sure you are, too.  Continued understanding and communication will be key in the coming weeks.  We’ll do everything we can to keep you up to date on things happening in our office and around the community.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions you may have. 

How To Contact Us

Here is a list of the ways you can communicate with our team to request a quote, make changes to your policy, or to report a claim.

  • Call our office phone number at (360) 679-4949
  • Text our office phone number at (360) 679-4949
  • Email an agent directly (email addresses are available at
  • Chat or message us on our website during normal business hours (
  • Make an appointment to meet with an agent by contacting our office through one of the above methods

For those customers who regularly make their payments in our office, here are other options for making your payments.

  • Mail a check or money order to our office at PO Box 2250, Oak Harbor, WA 98277
  • Call or text our office to make a payment by credit/debit card or online check
  • Contact your insurance company directly.

Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.  We appreciate your support of our office and the other local businesses in our community.

Call Email Claims Payments
Our Office Will Be Closed Monday, February 17th, in Honor of Presidents' Day Contact Your Carrier